Monday, March 10, 2008

Solitary Team Leadership

We just wanted to quickly share a perspective about team leadership today.

This does not have anything to do with a management training program or an elaborate management development process. And this is something that you can start doing today without any help from some “leadership” guru.

Ready…take time each day to stop working and think. Get someplace quiet. Shut your office door, go to a quiet place nearby your office. Just get away to someplace where no one can bother you for 30 to 60 minutes and think.

So few leaders today create the time to think. We are stuck in a never-ending chain of reactions. This is not how the best leaders act.

We are working on a book about the leadership styles and leadership qualities of CEO’s. One of the CEO’s we interviewed was recently retired from a highly successful career. He told us the story about how he would “disappear” from the office for about an hour each day and go down the street from his office to the local public library and just think. He said it was one of the most valuable things he did as a leader.

So take the time to get quiet and think your way to leadership success.

Visit our site by clicking here, management training and leadership skills, to learn more.

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