Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Secret of Motivation in Team Leadership

We received some interesting results from our recent survey on team
leadership. One of our questions was what people found most challenging about team leadership.

We received many answers about strategic planning, decision making, communications and so forth. But, a challenge that many people expressed is how to motivate their team.

We are going to make this easy for you. To motivate your people you do not have to be “motivational”. You do not have to be charismatic or even a particularly skilled communicator.

Just do one simple (but incredibly powerful!) thing. MAKE THE LIST OF THINGS YOUR PEOPLE ARE DOING MATCH THE TIME THEY HAVE TO DO THEM.

This is a leadership skill that most managers do not have. It is a skill that is rarely, if ever, taught in management training programs. But, it is the most important aspect of team motivation.

People are motivated when they feel like they are making progress. If their task load is always more than they have time to do they will feel like they are spinning their wheels.

As the leader you can fix this and tap into the power of a motivated team.

To your continued success,

Rob Linn and Rich Ottaviano

Monday, May 5, 2008

The First Sin

The first “deadly sin” discussed in our newsletter opt-in bonus is, “Put yourself first…your people and the organization lower or non-existent”. This sin comes first in the document because it is one of the most important to avoid if you plan on being a successful leader. A good leader has many qualities, an important one being that they help to cultivate other good leaders. You can accomplish a lot by yourself, but you can accomplish a lot more with great people working for you. A selfish leader will try to get all of the best projects, all of the praise for a job well done, and make sure they are always in the spotlight as the best of the best. A good leader will get all of those things and more while helping others to achieve it for themselves. Recognize the potential around you and become an even stronger force in your business. Your organization will be more successful as a whole and you will be doing your part to drive it there.

To your continued success,
Rob Linn and Rich Ottaviano

If you have any questions or comments about “The 7 Deadly Sins of Leaderships”, please post here or email us at info@successfulleadershipskills.com

Friday, May 2, 2008

The Seventh Sin

If you’ve signed up for our newsletter you’ve received the “7 Deadly Sins of Leadership”. The seventh sin is “Use Rumor and Innuendo For Decision Making…Ignore Facts and Logic”. We’ve built a successful consulting business by guiding our clients to make all decisions based on facts and logic. Think about it, makes complete sense doesn’t it? Then why do so many people make the mistake of honoring rumors and selective opinions when making decisions? Could be that they are guided by emotion, low confidence, over confidence…the list goes on.

Whatever the reason, get rid of it. When you are faced with decisions the very first question you should ask yourself is, “what are the facts and logic of the situation?” Do your research to answer this question honestly. Don’t let one or two people tell you what is going on in your organization. Dig deep and get to the truth before you make decisions. Build a reputation of being a reasonable and great leader by letting facts and logic guide you. You will earn more respect as a wise decision maker if you avoid the seventh sin.

To your continued success,
Rob Linn and Rich Ottaviano